Good Friends... New Beginnings...

Two beautiful friends make my days at work amazingly fun and easy to enjoy... thanks to Dana and Pattie,
Steph and Andrea and the other wonderful
girlies that I work with everyday. Yet, to be the unsuspecting victim of picture taking on the playground during recess... yes... technology at its finest... we love to "get each other" when we are not looking... Dana got me this time and sent me a "gotcha" moment when I was laughing at something Pattie had said when we had just reached the playground... good times and memories like this... more reasons for me to love them. What is even funnier is when it shows up on your Blackberry... love my girls... and the 9 school days we have left! Plus the weather that allows me to wear
sleeveless sweaters and open toed heels to work. My favorite season...
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