Baby, it's cold outside!

But no matter how cold, or wet or rainy or wild it is, Grandpa always comes through with some amazing and fun game to make memories with my boys... On this particular visit, it was cold, and boy do I dislike the cold... we are not friends. I did manage to brave the elements long enough to capture the main event on camera and it was worth it! So, I present to you our newest game with Grandpa... marshmallow wars!

Can you say sticky, spit covered marshmallows? Josh tried hard to keep up with the big boys, but eventually we had to minimize his shooter to allow for size and age... he did a great job and the smiles were plentiful!

Noah was ready to take on the world and Grandpa with his new marshmallow shooter... He got a lot of practice shooting at the G-pa!

I love this shot of Seth, over the shoulder... can you see his marshmallow headed straight for the man in yellow? Good shot Seth!

Boy is Grandpa an ace shooter... he pegged each boy with zingers! He showed them that even 'old guys' can hold their own (his own words). He is still amazing! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for coming to visit, for bringing the dogs and for spending a wonderful week making memories with me and my boys... we love you!

Here is the pre-war construction... that is one thing I love about Grandpa... he has so much to teach them... I want them to learn as much as they can from him... he has some good lessons to teach that they all need! This is my favorite part of having kids... watching my mom and dad pass down life lessons to my kids in fun ways... they will learn to value learning like I do... another good lesson here was to take your time and do things correctly, not hurried but thoughtfully... we could all use a refresher on that lesson... thanks Grandpa!

Grandma teaches them about being creative... but she isn't a fan of me posting her picture, so I will give her kudos for the "Ghost Graveyard" -very cool- you can see it online at's crafts... But here, she lends her creative hand and poses the boys for the post-war shot... gotta love boys...especially the big ones! I hope everyone enjoys every day and remembers that life is about making memories... and my parents have always been the best about making that memorable!
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