Panacci, Obama and Adobe...

Hey, I'm back and
excited! Yesterday... I met
KELLY PANACCI... Scrapbook designer who's line you can find @ Sandylion. We took her class at Scrapbook Village (Yes, our wonderful Bonnie W. got her to come all the way from Canada to teach us this advanced class here in Kentucky!) As we were photographed, April and I were star struck by the fabulous Kelly! She is very personable and great to spend some crafty time with!

Below are the fun pages I made in her class! If you visit her blog, you can see the real deal! And... her husband was just as much fun to be around as Kelly herself... he actually sat down and did some of the make & takes with the ladies while Kelly took pictures with us... what a support team! I would absolutely LOVE to work on a design team... one day... one day...

Very creative... I '
heart' all of her patterned paper and have used a lot of her stamps, papers and embellies on layouts in the past. What great fun we had! Can't wait to get my hands on the stamps she designed that April purchased yesterday!

Here are some of her papers and embellies I picked up yesterday... can't wait to scrap with them!

Here is my new toy... the
Glue Glider Pro... I know, you say, "That has been out for a long time!" But take a closer look, it's a mini! Not that hulking mam-a-jam-a that everyone is lugging around. This bad boy fits in the palm of my hand and won't give me a stress fracture! Can you say LOVE?!?

Alrighty, on to my next brush with a famous person... please meet, our president,
Mr. Barack Obama (well, it's actually my nine year old getting ready for his
presentation) Seth's reading class put together a "Wax Museum" for his school last week. He chose to research our newest president and created a Power Point presentation to boot. The class was very excited about the learning experience and did such a great job. It was funny to me that he should chose this particular person because his father and I are by no means politically minded... but my fabulous sister was a very proud aunt because of his choice in Famous Americans! Isn't he beautiful?!?

So, along the way, I FINALLY picked up
Adobe Photoshop! Again, can you say
LOVE? Look what I learned to do today... yep, I know I am always a little behind, but better late than never! I am so very excited to learn all I can in my "spare" time-LOL! Thanks to all of the people on youtube who share their how-to videos because they know I don't read manuals and I do better when it is shown to me quickly!

Now, I'm off to re-visit
Facebook... sorry to all of my friends who haven't heard from me in a week... I will visit with you next... all my love! Have a great week!
1 comment:
he's so handsome! I love him & miss you guys so, so much!
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