And the stockings were hung... by the chimney? Nope, on the TV cabinet. My mom made these stockings for her grandsons as they were born, I have one just like it that my grandmother made for me. I love Christmas traditions.

The homemakers' club sent us two beautiful pointsettias as thanks for opening our home to the public. They are gorgeous and the perfect accent for Christmas decorating! Thank you so much ladies!

Christmas Home Tour brochures for people stopping by. A picture and description of each home is enclosed. You know that is going in the scrapbook!

Here I am with Mr. and Mrs. Clause! You would be surprised how far a bag of fiber filling goes as snow for Christmas decorating... thanks for the idea mom!

Debbie... friend who needed a friend to do the tour! We have been friends since our first sons were born about the same time. It's so good to have good friends and to be a friend!

This year one of my good friends got a job as our county's family and consumer sciences representative. One function of her job was to line up families to show thier homes turing the Christmas Home Tour. Being her friend, and this being her new job, she asked me if we would share our home with the community. Of course, I said I would and then my husband wanted to string me up for it! I promised myself I wouldn't get stressed out about it, I would decorate like I normally do, finish a few ongoing projects to hang on the walls and clean up after 3 little boys! The toys went in the closet, the messes were hidden or cleaned up and the porch was cleared of all motorized vehicles (my dad call's that our 'rollin' stock). I made some yummy chocolate drop cookies and hot chocolate for the guests and sent all of the boys on a mission to find something to eat in another town! My friend Debbie came over, we talked for a few minutes and then the people came. They were so nice, so complementary and so fun to talk to! I really enjoyed myself, the two hours flew by and before I knew it, the boys were flying back into the house (with mud and dog poo on their shoes!) Thank goodness the tour was over before the poo-carpet incident! I am so blessed and greatful for the life I have. I talked to my mom when I was finished and shared some good conversation about Christmas and cookie recipes and such. What a great way to end the weekend! Have a wonderful Monday and a stress free holiday season! Much love!
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