Thursday, December 18, 2008
One Favorite Layout!

Monday, December 15, 2008
More and more Wall Pops... can't get enough...
Here is a project I took from Ali E's blog back in the spring. She took a typeset drawer and added pics and embelli's. I painted mine black to match my decor. I then used the Home Accents cricut cart. and Wall Pops vinyl in a roll to make the family and the lines. I love the way it turned out!

On the CK message board, there was a post about what to do with Wall Pops vinyl. If you scroll down, you can see the imagine, create and panther decorating I did with my vinyl & my cricut. I am in LOVE with both these things and have done some more the past few days... wanted to share with you to inspire you to create and add your own touch to your home that you can remove easily if you ever want a change! So, here goes and I hope you enjoy!

I used red Wall Pops vinyl to cut out the border under each shelf (home accents cartridge) and then I cut out live, love and laugh and put one word on the largest circle under each shelf. I am totally in love with my newly decorated scrap space! Scroll down to see the Imagine and Create wall that is to the side of this wall.

These designs are cut from red and black vinyl and I put them across the top of my refridgerator and sink space. They are the perfect and inexpensive touch for the kitchen!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Home Tour 2008
The most important part of a home is family...
Christmas traditions... here is my collection of Christmas candles... it started when my dad was little, one candle each Christmas... I have candles on this table from 1974... then we passed this tradition on to our boys...one candle each Christmas... a conversation piece for sure!
The tree... what else do you say?

And the stockings were hung... by the chimney? Nope, on the TV cabinet. My mom made these stockings for her grandsons as they were born, I have one just like it that my grandmother made for me. I love Christmas traditions.

The homemakers' club sent us two beautiful pointsettias as thanks for opening our home to the public. They are gorgeous and the perfect accent for Christmas decorating! Thank you so much ladies!

Christmas Home Tour brochures for people stopping by. A picture and description of each home is enclosed. You know that is going in the scrapbook!

Here I am with Mr. and Mrs. Clause! You would be surprised how far a bag of fiber filling goes as snow for Christmas decorating... thanks for the idea mom!

Debbie... friend who needed a friend to do the tour! We have been friends since our first sons were born about the same time. It's so good to have good friends and to be a friend!

And the stockings were hung... by the chimney? Nope, on the TV cabinet. My mom made these stockings for her grandsons as they were born, I have one just like it that my grandmother made for me. I love Christmas traditions.

The homemakers' club sent us two beautiful pointsettias as thanks for opening our home to the public. They are gorgeous and the perfect accent for Christmas decorating! Thank you so much ladies!

Christmas Home Tour brochures for people stopping by. A picture and description of each home is enclosed. You know that is going in the scrapbook!

Here I am with Mr. and Mrs. Clause! You would be surprised how far a bag of fiber filling goes as snow for Christmas decorating... thanks for the idea mom!

Debbie... friend who needed a friend to do the tour! We have been friends since our first sons were born about the same time. It's so good to have good friends and to be a friend!

This year one of my good friends got a job as our county's family and consumer sciences representative. One function of her job was to line up families to show thier homes turing the Christmas Home Tour. Being her friend, and this being her new job, she asked me if we would share our home with the community. Of course, I said I would and then my husband wanted to string me up for it! I promised myself I wouldn't get stressed out about it, I would decorate like I normally do, finish a few ongoing projects to hang on the walls and clean up after 3 little boys! The toys went in the closet, the messes were hidden or cleaned up and the porch was cleared of all motorized vehicles (my dad call's that our 'rollin' stock). I made some yummy chocolate drop cookies and hot chocolate for the guests and sent all of the boys on a mission to find something to eat in another town! My friend Debbie came over, we talked for a few minutes and then the people came. They were so nice, so complementary and so fun to talk to! I really enjoyed myself, the two hours flew by and before I knew it, the boys were flying back into the house (with mud and dog poo on their shoes!) Thank goodness the tour was over before the poo-carpet incident! I am so blessed and greatful for the life I have. I talked to my mom when I was finished and shared some good conversation about Christmas and cookie recipes and such. What a great way to end the weekend! Have a wonderful Monday and a stress free holiday season! Much love!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas Layouts??? Nope, Noah's Birthday!

Do you know what happens when you're younger and you say something like, "Who would have a baby at Christmas time?" Well, call it Karma, call it fate, but I say God has a huge sense of humor when he tries to teach me lessons about judgements. My second son, Noah, was born promptly (2 weeks early) on December 21st. Which then brought us home from the hospital on the 23rd! Of course we did, that's how it works around here! I say something dumb like that and then it happens to me (LOL). So, being a creative creature... I have to have "theme" parties for the boys when they are little. So for this particular birthday (number 1) I decided to have another crafty lady make me some elf costumes for the "Christmas elves" themed party-not my most original-but I still LOVE the elves in the layout I posted on my header. I decided to scrap the pages in the shapes of the outfits I had made for the boys. The hats were super easy to make... I even use this technique for costumes at school when we perform Christmas plays. Take a piece of felt (from wmart or a craft store) and pull two corners together and stitch. Then stitch a bell on the point (or bend, or loop) that was created opposite the stitched side. Place the hat on your child's head, or in some shots on an adults! We had a great time at the party. The bells on the layout were made from a circle punch then I hand drew small circles, cut them out and inked around the whole thing. Super simple ! I think this was the first time I actually used the rhinstones on a layout as well. The other layout I am sharing is my first "non-photo" layout. My eight year old was the first to learn to read and write so he decided it was his job to make everyone's list for Santa for Christmas. So, I saved it and made it the main focus of this layout. I love how it turned out. So much, I am making it a tradition. He then made a new list for everyone this year and it is embellished with his own original drawings. It is anxiously awaiting being the star of a new layout! Enjoy- just a few days until the big day!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Consumed by Contests!!!
Oh my! A new world has opened up to me and I am consumed! People actually give free stuff away on their blogs... cool stuff... beautiful stuff... awesome stuff... and i want it... all of it! For all of you who are visiting who are giving away free goodies, you rock! For those of you who don't know... check out the Baby link on the side! Tim Holtz is my newest scrap hero! He amazes me with the way he uses products... I want to be like him when I grow up! Ha! I hope you can check out some of those sites to win some goodness for yourselves! Leave a shoutout if you have won or given away something in the past and I will link it and give you a shout out on my blog! TGIF (soon)! Look at my favorite tag Tim posted yesterday-LOVE the blue and how he made it happen-too cool! I will HAVE TO try this soon!http://http//timholtz.typepad.com/

Sunday, December 7, 2008
New pics of the scrap space!!!
I thought I would post a picture of the space that inspired us to paint the new (huge) scrap desk black. Back in the spring, I took the big step of painting and putting vinyl on the wall. (such a giant leap for me) I think it turned out great and made me want to finish the space with the new desk. I then posted a picture of my first day of scrappin' on my new desk-what a slob I am!!! And the first layout (unfinished) on my new desk! So exciting around here! I also talked to one of my best friends from high school today-I haven't talked to him in about 16 years! He is living across the country in Califorina... so, Aidan, if you read this... it was great to talk to you... brought back some wonderful memories... and I can't wait to see you on the big (or little) screen someday SOON! Good luck to everyone with their dreams and ambitions... live, live large and go home smiling at the end of the day! Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by... c u again soon I hope! Enjoy the 1984 Christmas music... hope it is a blast from the past!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Merry Christmas to Me!
OK scrapbook ladies... So, I wanted a scrapbook work space... a piece of that one, and a part of that one, and oooohhhh... that over there! You know what I mean, don't you girls?!? So, we sat down, drew out a very messy sketch, went to our local do-it center and what do you know, here is my very own FABULOUS scrapbook table. It is L-shaped with a 4x6 top and a 2x4 cutting/computer station. I can swivel my chair, cut my paper, swivel back to my layout and presto, so much easier to scrap. Not only is there a desk, but shelves and shelves and painted it to match my room! Let me know what you think! I think it ROCKS! I have since added some red bins, some baskets and all my embellies and cricut cartridges! I can't wait to have my friends gather 'round for a great day of scrappin' fun!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Marvelous Monday!
What a better way to start the week than by being "star struck". Got a little comment on my blog from a "real writer"! OMG! I am a little excited (total understatement!) Hence, new links under the inspiration station to the right... come on, check 'em out! See where I spend some of my free time. As for me, I am going to work on the boys' room some more. Check out what I have been doing on their wall... we are the panthers, the mighty mighty panthers... I know, but I love my kids! Thanks to Lain for posting a comment on my blog, I am totally stoked! Have a great Monday-only ONE MORE DAY until we are off for Thanksgiving break, and boy... do I have a lot to be thankful for!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
LOL! I had to! That is what I texted all of my friends when I found out I won Lain Ehmann's new book "Snippets" from Candice Palmer's blog (check it out: http://candicepalmer.blogspot.com/) and THANKS to her for having such a wonderful prize! I can't wait to get my hands on it and READ! Here is a picture of the new book if you happen to be out and see it-grab a copy for you and one for your best scrappin' pal!

I didn't win the cute new stamps that Cathy Z. was giving away but do so love to read her blog! Here is a scrap page I made of the boys when they went out hiking-so cute! April and I had a swap challenge to make this layout. She bought new products and I bought new products and we switched. Then we made layouts with the products we originally bought-It was SUCH FUN! Try it the next time you crop with your friend-I love the way this layout turned out... and the boys are so cute! Enjoy-have a happy Monday!

Friday, November 21, 2008
Some layouts!!!

As promised, I finally got my act together enough to put up a few layouts. The first is a layout of Noah's puppy, Shiloh. Then I have a dear layout of my last baby's first haircut. Insert tears here! And, my favorite picture of Seth and Noah when they were younger. A moment captured on camera when they were actually being kind and brotherly toward each other. Love & kisses to all... I have 6 little boys spending the night tonight so I might not make it back for a while! LOL! Have a wonderful weekend!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Monkeying Around!
What a weekend! Yes, we are all over 30 years old and dressed up like monkeys! Why? Because it was the biannual scrapbook retreat weekend sponsored by Scrapbook Village! We ALWAYS enter the Saturday night pj contest! Notice the tails... made from coat hangers and men's sock, inconspicuously duct-taped to my back! We even had a song to boot: Hey, hey... we are scrappers and people say we monkey around... you get the idea... too much fun, too many laughs and way too much good food! I am so blessed to have great friends like these who act as silly as I do! We didn't win but had a great time trying! We can't wait until the retreat in March-you will have to come back in the spring to see what our new pj's will be-trust me, there will be many laughs involved! If you want to see all of the other great pj groups just visit http://www.scrapbookvillage.net/ I will try to post layouts that I scrap of these pictures-so much fun!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Super Saturday
Woo-hoo! The first official day of our Fall Break! A whole TEN days of relaxing and playing without work, well, at least without paid for, career oriented, work. I look around and see all of the projects I want to finish-yes, I have tons of things laying around that I have started and not finished-imagine! But I also see a house that needs cleaned, and BOOKS to be read-ha! I am reading The Last Lecture and so far, it seems to be the book I am meant to be reading. Lately I have been consumed with fullfilling dreams- book writing for one. I have, since graduation, wanted to write fiction or memoirs or both, but have let my fears of inadequacy and failure get in the way of self-actualization. I guess it is about time I kick myself in the posterior and get my giggy on. I have many ideas and some outlines in my head. Riki even made a passing comment, after a night of margaritas, that I should right that stuff down, people would pay to read it. So why am I dragging my feet? I have since checked into creative writing degrees at the nearest university and discussed some ideas with friends (still dragging feet-can you tell?) But now, reading the first chapters of this book, I definately see it is time to put thoughts into action and carve out some time in my busy day to put my ideas down. Who knows, maybe a published book in a few years. I just finished If I am Missing or Dead-wow- one powerful memoir! Put's things in perspective for me! Went scrapping with April at the local scrapbook store, what a great time we had and I even completed a few pages to sell. Can you believe people actually pay me to make scrapbook pages for them-how awesome is that? Wait till you see our get-up for the next scrap retreat-just suffice to say-we will be monkeying around a bit! I am going out to play in the beautiful 87 degree sunshine with the boys-what an awesome Saturday-Love & kisses!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Midnight...I will pay for it in the morning!

Do you ever get roused in the middle of the night and end up not being able to go back to sleep? Well, that has always been the story of my life. So, tonight, when Josh woke up crying that his foot "hurt really, really bad" we tried rubbing it, consoling him, getting up, throwing up, crying some more then drifting back off to sleep, without really resolving the "foot problem" Yet, here I am, wide awake at midnight while all of the guys in my life are snoring peacefully. (even the dog is asleep) What a better time to post on this here blog!
Note: April at the top during our last scrap retreat! Super scrappers, we were. Lookout, fall retreat is less than a month away and this time we are going "bananas!" Can't wait to spend a weekend with my girlie friend and scrap too! You know I will post pictures! Can't wait-dreaming of patterned paper and margaritas!
Two more days until fall break! I have a new student teacher in my room and my Intern gets observed by her teacher educator tomorrow. This week started off even crazier than that: Picture this, Josh, eyes swollen, face red and burning hot. I turn his head and notice a rash of welts down the side of his neck. A little later, they move to his arms... when they started to make the trek across his belly, I declared it was time to hit the emergency room (because you know this was Sunday night!) The little booger got stung by a yellow jacket and NEVER complained! You talk about one tough cookie! We have since recovered and are trying to get over the pneumonia in his left lung-not so easy to shake. Seth has decided he is writing a book and started on it tonight-it's called "Journal of the Three Brothers"-he came up with the entire idea all by himself. He learned about global warming today, hence the topic of our bedtime discussion: "Mom, why is the world melting?" "Heating up?" I replied. "Yeah, the ice caps are melting" "Global warming," I say. "Are we going to die?" "Someday, but those are reasons for you to use your creativity to invent things that reverse global warming or the energy crisis" I say. "Ok, I want to save the world, that would be a good thing, and then I'll go to heaven for sure" "But, I want to design cars too and be a writer. Then I'll be rich AND save the world!" WOW-I think-how cool is he?
I am so blessed to be here and be so loved by so many wonderful people. Thank you for being part of my life and making me smile! (can you tell it's midnight-I get even more full of it after dark!) OOOhhh- lost another pound tonight- so great!!! have a fabulous week!
Saturday, October 4, 2008

It has been a while since I have posted a scrapbook page, so here goes. This is the scrap page from last year's benefit concert for Vanderbilt's Children's hospital-you know- a good way to donate! So, we are gearing up to go again this year to the Sommet Center-hopefully we won't forget our I.D.'s this time! We also talked two of our close friends into running away with us for the weekend to shop and relax (because you know April and I are so good at relaxing-ha!) As soon as we get back, I will post the follow-up page for this year! April and I have been on quite a few adventures-our scrapbook is almost full!
On to other news: Seth and Noah are taking guitar lessons - pronounced differently in the south than in Akron, OH- and they love it. Thanks dad for the guitar and the inspiration to be well rounded! Noah made his own scrapbook page today-without my assistance and Josh glued his stack of scrap paper to the table (all the while I was having an enlightening conversation with April and I told her that not being able to get a DVD from Flix online was not going to kill her but scraping glue off of the table might get me down!)
Happy Birthday to my mom! She's 39 again!-didn't think I could get away with 29 again since I am 35?? We will celebrate when you come down for fall break.
My dad will be trying to confiscate more rocks from Kentucky while the border patrol (aka april) will be on the lookout for conspicuous behavior from IFO's!
Heard from my long lost but FABULOUS friend Aidan today-your right- I really do suck! But, I will get in touch soon-until then, I will keep you posted from here! GREAT to hear from you-it is funny how somethings never change and how you can go without seeing people for a long time and still remember why you love them! Hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday-my Intern is making me work weekends-so I am off to the trenches!
Open house is coming up this week and I always love to meet students' parents to see where they get their "quirky" personalities from. So, needless to say, when I ran across this picture of my dad, I had to wonder-who got his quirky personality-ha!!!
I will try to post again in a few days-Peace out-as my second graders tell me every day!

Monday, September 29, 2008
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